January 27, 2009

there's a 99% chance i'm being annoying right now

i know that the smell or even mention of v8 juice really irks people. v8 is a particularly offensive drink since it A) has vegetables in it and B) looks like blood.
that being said, i think its delicious because i A) like salty stuff and B) am awesome.

so not only was i drinking the stuff today, i was totally slurping it. so much to where i was even annoying myself with the noise.

thank you and good night.

January 19, 2009

Best Miscommunication of the Week.

This weekend a girl from church had a crepe party. And I have never made one or really even knew what went inside them, so I asked Ashley because she's a little bit more cultured when it comes to food and stuff.

Niki: "I need something for my crepes"

Ashley: "MIDOL!"

January 14, 2009

Nose snuggling. Its a no.

I actually saw two people do this in an incredibly public place and it's damaging to my health. I could have ruined my eye muscles bc I almost rolled my eyes out of my head. It's true.

January 4, 2009

Mandatory New Years Resolution for 2009 post

Here's my mandatory "lose weight" statement. Its not just an empty promise though. I have intent and the means to go work out more. I also will stay away from the fast food places before work. That isnt really conducive to my long term body goals and health.

Now that ones out of the way, I have a few more.

I feel like I have become fairly spiritual but I need to actually start going to church more and become more religious. So my number 2 is to actually go to church.

I also need to become a bit more frugal and save up money the right way. I would like to pay off my yoga teacher training and pay off my MacBook this year. As well as pay for my trip to Mexico and all that!

Lastly, I need to go on more dates. So if that means going on match and prostituting myself out on the internet, so be it! I just dont like sitting and waiting for an LDS guy to ask me out. I'm worth asking out and I deserve a loving relationship and marriage.

Hope everyone's 2009 is fabulous!

January 2, 2009

Okay I had 75 Pepsi points and I just found out the Pepsi points promotion ended in the New Year. UGH 75 points, thats like 15 songs I could have gotten for free! Screw Pepsi. Screw them hard Coke deserves the coke market.


So I got a MacBook and I just went to amazon and bought a Nintendo DS Lite (bc I sure as hell wasnt going to get it at the stores - SOLD OUT ---- Oh, I got Silver Metallic). So the one thing about growing older is that if your parents dont buy it - you can just buy it for yourself. On credit.

Okay question. How do I access the camera on the MacBook? I need to start some webcam sexual websites just kidding.