December 25, 2008

what i want

when thinking about the type of guy i want, i love making lists. little attributes that should up make up my perfect ideal. i know the guy will fall way too short in some respects but in others, he might excel my wildest visions.

so anyways. here goes another list.

- i want a guy with a job. a decent job.
- i want a funny guy or a guy that laughs at my jokes. both would be nice. but i would settle for either/or.
in addition, i would like the guy to have a real dry or cynical sense of humor. like smigel. but mixed in with a little bit of immaturity. like dane cook. yeah, i said dane cook.
- i want a guy that loves Jesus. but not because he's been told to love Jesus his whole life. but someone who loves Jesus because they have question, searched, and come up with their own conclusion about such things.
in addition, i would like a guy in touch with his spiritual side. i want him to know the difference between religion (sitting in the pews, trying to beat your last Tetris score) versus spirituality (caring about a tree for the mere fact that it exists)
- i want a guy that is independent. someone that can leave me alone when i get in my moods. and someone that has friends (preferably not hot, single women friends) who he can hang out with.
- i want a guy that likes to read. i want to read side by side with him in the bed and have our own separate bed lamps that we each turn off when we are finished. that's hot.
- i would like someone to travel with.
- i would like someone only slightly spontaneous. like maybe once or twice a year spontaneous.
- i want a guy that is loyal. long term loyal. someone with the m scott peck road less traveled type of love.
- i would like someone that knows what that previous statement means.

- i still like the tall, dark and handsome qualifier.

- i want a guy that is my friend.

merry christmas y'all

December 20, 2008

dogs and tissue

i borrowed logan from my parents last night and brought him for the weekend. he's so cute! a little hefty for a cocker spaniel but he can run so that means he's not completely unhealthy. i guess.

also i was just blowing my nose and was ready for a second blow but when i breathed in for my second wind, i sucked in a crapload of tissue paper and almost died because of that jordan sparks song - no air.

its true.

December 17, 2008

lululemon athletica quotes

I got this big, red poster type thing from lululemon. And it has lots of quotes on it I like. This is preventing me from throwing it away. So therefore, I will write the quotes on my blog so I can throw away the red paper.

drink fresh water and as much water as you can. water flushes unwanted toxins from your body and keeps your brain sharp.

a daily hit of athletic-induced endorphins gives you the power to make better decisions, helps you be at peace with yourself, and offset stress.

the pursuit of happiness is the source of all unhappiness.

do one thing a day that scares you.

listen, listen, listen, and then ask strategic questions.
write down your short and long-term GOALS four times a year. two personal, two business and two helath goals for the next1, 5, and 10 years. goal setting triggers your subconscious computer.

life is full of setbacks.
success is determined by how you handle setbacks.

your outlook on life is a direct reflection of how much you like yourself.

what we do to the earht we do to ourselves.

the world is changing at such a rapid rate that waiting to implement changes will leave you 2 steps behind.
do it now, do it now, do it now.

friends are more important than money.

visualize your eventual demise. it can have an amazing effect on how you live your life for the moment.

don't trust that an old age pension will be sufficient.

that which matters the most should never give way to that which matters the least.

stress is related to 99% of all illness.

take various vitamins. you never know what small mineral can eliminate the bottleneck to everlasting health. (okay i dont agree with this one just sayin)

jealousy works the opposite way you want it to.

breath deeply and appreciate the moment. living in the moment could be the meaning of life.

observe a plant before and after watering and relate these benefits to your body and brain.
practice yoga so you can remain active in physical sports as you age.

children are the orgasm of life.
just like you did not know what an orgasm was before you had one, nature does not let you know how great children are until you actually have them.

successful people replace the words 'wish' 'should' and 'try' with 'i will'.

creativity is maximized when you're living in the moment.
nature wants us to be mediocre because we have a greater chance to survive and reproduce. mediocrity is as close to the bottom as it is to the top, and will give you a lousy life.

do not sue cleaning chemicals on your kitchen counters or floors. someone will inevitably make a sandwich on your counter.

sweat once a day to regenerate your skin.

the conscious brain can only hold one thought at a time. choose a positive thought.

live near the ocean and inhale the pure salt air that flows over the water, vancouver will do nicely.

communication is complicated. we are all raised in a different family with slightly different definitions of every word. an agreement is an agreement only if each party knows the conditions for satisfaction and a time is set for satisfaction to occur.


30 questions to elevate your awareness (and literacy) of the greater place in which you live

I'm sure I've already posted this, but the paper its printed out on is turning kind of tissue papery ... so I thought just in case I need to have this in MY BLOG.

1) Point north.

2) What time is sunset today?

3) Trace the water you drink from rainfall to your tap.

4) When you flush, where do the solids go? What happens to the waste water?

5) How many feet above sea level are you?

6) What spring wildflower is consistently among the first to bloom here?

7) How far do you have to travel before you reach a different watershed? Can you draw the boundaries of yours?

8) Is the soil under your feet, more clay, sand, rock or silt?

9) Before your tribe lived here, what did the previous inhabitants eat and how did they sustain themselves?

10) Name five native edible plants in your neighborhood and the season(s) they are available.

11) From what direction do storms generally come?

12) Where does your garbage go?

13) How many people live in your watershed?

14) Who uses the paper/plastic you recycle from your neighborhood?

15) Point to where the sun sets on the equinox. How about sunrise on the summer solstice?

16) Where is the nearest earthquake fault? When did it last move?

17) Right here, how deep do you have to drill before you reach water?

18) Which (if any) geological features in your watershed are, or were, especially respected by your community, or considered sacred, now or in the past?

19) How many days is the growing season here (from frost to frost)?

20) Name five birds that live here. Which are migratory and which stay put?

21) What was the total rainfall here last year?

22) Where does the pollution in your air come from?

23) If you live near the ocean, when is high tide today?

24) What primary geological processes or events shaped the land here?

25) Name three wild species that were not found here 500 years ago. Name one exotic species that has appeared in the last 5 years.

26) What minerals are found in the ground here that are (or were) economically valuable?

27) Where does your electric power come from and how is it generated?

28) After the rain runs off your roof, where does it go?

29) Where is the nearest wilderness? When was the last time a fire burned through it?

30) How many days till the moon is full?

The Bigger Here Bonus Questions:

31) What species once found here are known to have gone extinct?

32) What other cities or landscape features on the planet share your latitude?

33) What was the dominant land cover plant here 10,000 years ago?

34) Name two places on different continents that have similar sunshine/rainfall/wind and temperature patterns to here.

Source: Kevin Kelly - Help Wanted

December 15, 2008

like books are so much better than movies

I sometimes read Entertainment Weekly and I SWEAR I've never seen them give a book anything lower than a B-; I'm sure they didnt give Larry The Cable Guy anything higher than a C. WTF? Are books somehow 'better' than movies in general? Why the bias? I'm just saying that I've read some D's and F's.

Edward Lifesize Standup poster

Nothing says "fan" like a cardboard lifesize cut out.

December 12, 2008

Back to normal-ish

Dont you love adding the suffix -ish to other words?? I also think its fairly multi-faceted: can add a drastic measure of non-commitment to a statement (I'm ready-ish; just let me get my things together), can replace "I dont mean to be rude but ..." (She's ugly-ish), and sometimes doesnt change the word at all but is just there to provide colour to the thing (Late-ish).

Well, I got back from Dallas and Houston TX. That was FUN times :D I'm planning a trip to Puerto Vallarta next July. We are basically going to camp out in some cabanas with no electricity. Thank god they'll be running water.

Okay let's talk about Stephenie Meyer's Twilight Mormonism links. I dont have the books with me or anything. So this is off memory.

-I see a major one in that Edward pesters Bella to marry him before he'll change her into a vampire. Or boink her.
-Also, Carlisle talks about how he hopes he has a soul even though he's a vampire. And Im pretty sure LDS people think that humans (even if they are cloned or whatnot) have souls. I want to say they think EVERY living thing has a soul ... but I dont know if they believe bacteria and such have souls.
-Also while Bella and Edward are talking in Book 3, Stephenie Meyer italicized eternity in relation to Edward and Bella being together. HMMMMMMMMMM
- This one is far reaching, but I kind of thought of genealogy while Jacob and Billy and Quil were talking about their tribe's history.

My personal future Twilight movie thoughts.
- I wish they would recast Jacob
- I hope they have 3 different directors for the next 3 movies. Why not? I mean, it would be really cool to see their different takes on the book series but yet still have that common theme of Bella and Edward being forever in love.
- Im expecting the special effects of people shifting into werewolves sucking. UGH. I hope they dont have the same CGI studio that did 10,000 BC doing the next movies. Wolves and things with fur look SO CRAPPY on CGI! UGHHHHH. They didnt do a good job in Twilight with Edward's sparkle.
- And I thought Robert Patterson looked cute when he looked like he was pooping when Kristen Stewart sat next to him in Biology.

So there.

PS. Im not done with book 3 so dont tell me what happens suckers.