August 26, 2009

Wow, I have nothing to say but you should really look at this picture

While we're on the subject, I hate Lion King.

I thought Jasmine was the first real slutty Disney princess even though Ariel was probably a bit more provocative with her barely there seashells and low rise fish tail. But I guess since Jasmine was a minority, I judged her unfairly.

This is all.

August 24, 2009

Top 5 Enemies List for week ending whenever Sunday was (ie, my A Raygun Would Be Nice Right About Now List).

1. The company that always takes my parking spot at work! I will raygun your tires the next time I see you in our spots!!!

2. That mouse that I saw scurrying around in the kitchen. I've lived here for over a year and have NEVER seen anything bigger than a bug. And then you, YOU MR MOUSE, show up when my roommate is out of town and now every time I walk through the kitchen and a shadow hits something in a mousy way, I scream.

3. The guy at bootcamp who made us do 100 burpees. That was hard! You're on my enemies list until I see the results mister.

4. Julia. She picked my $60 sweater with her claws. I would have totally raygunned her face if I had a raygun at the time.

5. My natural deoderant. It DOESNT WORK. And it scrapes my armpit bc its too earthy!

August 22, 2009

sitting in the shower, why not?

during my shower i just sat down in the tub while the shower was going. i mean, i'm not depressed or anything. there's two good reasons to do this

1. its like sitting in the rain but without water hitting your face if you dont want to. plus, you dont have to worry about changing clothes. and the *rain* is temperature controlled.

2. you know how people say they like to "think" while they run? well, same thing when sitting in your shower. its a great time to think. plus in the shower, you dont have to worry about sweating, exerting yourself like you do with running.

but sitting in the shower is still good for moments when you need to cry too. like this...

August 13, 2009

wearing black, black clothes to match my black, black heart.

Recently I started dressing nicer for work. I'm not working in the lab anymore so I dont have to worry about spilling sulfuric acid on my pants and having a hole eaten through them.

But I havent been keeping my wardrobe up to date with the up and coming "work fashions". So all I have are my church clothes. Which are not 100% fit for a work environment. And I've been finding myself wearing a lot of black. Its simple and non-frilly and slimming.

Yesterday a guy said I looked like one of those pool players.

I fail at life.