It is best to take your time and focus on finding the right women for you, not on dating as many hotties as you possibly can. Your membership will be much more valuable to you if you use it to find your life partner, rather than to facilitate rabid serial dating. Word about that will spread, and women will not want to date you.
2 ) Thou shalt call a lady within 48 hours on a weekday or 72 hours on a weekend or holiday once you get her number.
The sooner, the better, as shell be expecting your call. If you dont connect on the first try, be sure to leave her one or more telephone numbers at which she can reach you. If you dont hear back from her within 48 hours on a week day, or 72 hours on a weekend. Never ask a woman out on a first date via e-mail. Remember women are auditory and fall in love through their ears. A woman will bond with you more quickly if she can hear your voice.
3 ) Thou shalt not call a lady after 10:00 p.m., her time.
Until you have spoken a few times, met, and established some sort of rapport, calling too late at the beginning of a potential relationship is presumptuous and rude.
4 ) Thou shalt leave a maximum of two phone messages for a woman.
If she doesnt call you back within 48 hours on a weekday or 72 hours on a weekend or holiday, shes not interested. Dont take it personally; just move on. If youre curious, you can contact MC via email and MC will discreetly find out what happened and report back. But always remember: There are a lot more yachts in the marina.
5 ) Thou shalt make appropriate arrangements, and not ask a woman out at the last minute
Make the first date at least a week in advance, then call her on the morning of the date before 12 noon to confirm. Feel free to call every few days before that, however, just to let her know youre thinking about her and are excited about your date. Women love to fanta
6 ) Thou shalt always have a plan for your date.
Women prefer men who have direction. When you make your initial phone call, try to develop rapport with the woman and gather information about her likes and dislikes. Conversations should always be a tennis match of back and forth. Do not interrogate your potential date about her physical looks or age on the phone or in person If you want to make a great first impression, suggest her favorite restaurant or a restaurant she has always wanted to try. Never show up with the question What do you want to do? This shows that you do not cherish her feelings, and that she is not a priority in your life. Make a reservation at a five-star restaurant (remember: youre a millionaire, and shell be expecting the best). If necessary, also make the appropriate transportation arrangements. Always go to her side of town either pick her up, send a car for her, or drive/fly into her city. You must go to her, for the following reasons: 1) The woman needs to feel safe in her own environment. 2) If you fly her in on a first date and neither of you feel chemistry, most likely you will be stuck with an unwelcome guest for the weekend. If, after the first date you both feel chemistry and you would like her to visit you, you can fly her in but you must put her up at a five-star hotel with her own room. Finally, plan to pay for her valet parking if you have arrived in separate cars, or pay for her taxi. If you are invited with another couple to dinner, be prepared to pick up the entire check. You will come off looking like a prince to your date and her friends.
7 ) Thou shalt focus on your date and keep the conversation appropriate.
Start the date with a heartfelt compliment on her appearance, such as You look really beautiful tonight! Look into her eyes with a smile -- eye contact is extremely important, and then lead the discussion into areas of common interest --- travel, sports, work, arts, etc. Try to stay on relatively neutral subjects at the outset. Please turn your cell phone off at all times unless you are a doctor on call or you have children that may need to get in touch with you in case of an emergency. If you are waiting on an important call that needs your utmost attention please put your phone on vibrate, let your date know what is going on and then excuse yourself for a short period of time to take the call. If you answer the phone during the course of the meal you will come off as a rude and callous man who is only interested in himself.DO NOT pay attention to other women, or keep looking at the door for the latest attraction. If she sees you behave like this, no matter how good looking, wealthy, and smart you are, she will not want to see you again. Also, do not ask her why she is still single or hasnt yet found a husband. This is an extremely awkward question, and is a quick turnoff to most women. Please remember that emotionally healthy women fall in love with men that fall in love with them.
8 ) Thou shalt ask a woman thoughtful questions.
This indicates you are genuinely interested in her. Topics may include light questions about her family, where she grew up, etc. A good conversation should be like a tennis match, with lots of back and forth volleys. Do your best to keep up the witty repartee. Also, remember to keep away from controversial topics, including family troubles, religion, politics and your own emotional baggage. Never bring up the ex. If your date asks, simply say it didn't work out and change the subject. Remember: she's not your therapist! These types of conversations convince your date that you have unresolved issues with your ex, and that you are irreparably damaged indicating that you are not ready for a relationship.
9 ) Thou shalt not drink too much.
Although it is certainly tempting, it will cloud your judgment, and will probably give your date a negative impression of you. It also might impede your ability to drive her home. Remember to keep it to a 2-drink maximum even if you can hold a larger amount of liquor.
10 ) Thou shalt not brag or discuss other women
Don't brag about your accomplishments, career successes or prized possessions, no matter how deservedly proud you may feel. And definitely do not talk about other women. You wouldn't want to hear about other desirable men she has in her life, would you? Word spreads quickly, and if you get a reputation for discussing other women in the club and your relationship with them, fewer women will want to date you.
11 ) Thou shalt be a gentleman.
The basics of common courtesy include: open car and restaurant/club doors for her; let her walk ahead of you into the dining area; stand up when she comes to the table; don't stare at her below the neck; watch your table manners and don't be too physical on the first date. The club prohibits any male member from asking a woman to pay for anything; however, female members know that after dating a man four times, they must give back in some small way.For example; We suggest the women make the man a home cooked meal, bake cookies for him to take to work or clean out his closet, etc... If, after dating a woman more than four times, she does not offer to do anything nice to you and you feel in some way you are being taken advantage of, please e-mail the club so that we can remedy the situation in a discreet manner, to help bring you closer together.
12 ) Thou shalt be sincere in your offers.
Don't bring up the subject of high-end jewelry or clothing designers or offer to take her shopping unless you really mean it and intend to pay for the items she selects. The same holds true regarding offers to take her on nice trips. Do not be offended if she suggests getting separate rooms if you are not in a monogamous relationship. This does not mean she is not interested, but rather it means that she is a lady and is not prepared to have sex unless you are both involved an exclusive/monogamous relationship together.
13 ) Thou shalt not become too intimate on the first date.
Give the lady only a hug or a gentle kiss at the end of the first date. There's plenty of time for the physical stuff later, so don't push it. If you're from out of town, do not invite the lady up to your hotel room to have a nightcap or admire the view, she may misinterpret your invitation. Slower is better at the beginning, because that enhances the possibility of a long lasting relationship that will not burn out quickly.
14 ) Thou shalt not play games.
Games include not calling for more than two days, talking only about yourself, or feigning only moderate interest (example: "I'm dating several women right now and keeping my options open" --- even if that's true). The reason that so many people are not in relationships that last is because of follow-up is often ignored. Don't expect to disappear on a woman for two weeks after the first date and get a warm reception on the phone when you call. Women with self-esteem love and respect themselves, and are attracted to men who genuinely like and display interest in them. Games also include encouraging a woman to move in with you when you are not married or engaged with a date set.When people live together the romance goes out the window and they no longer feel the need to work on problems. When an issue comes up that is difficult its often easier to leave before seeking a therapist. Leading a woman on for an extensive length of time is also considered game playing. Women over 30 with high self esteem will not generally be involved in an exclusive relationship for more than a year without an engagement ring and a wedding date being set. Women simply do not have the luxury of time, as men do. The ultimate way for you to show your love for a woman is to ask her to marry you. The ultimate way for a woman to show her love for you is to accept your proposal.
15 ) Thou shalt not expect a lady to initiate a telephone call to you after your first few dates.
If she does, great --- but better to be surprised than disappointed. Women expect you to initiate the calls until you are dating exclusively. This is considered good form. If a woman thanked you at the end of the date, do not expect her to call and thank you later. This is considered chasing, and a true lady will not do it. Men often get angry that women do not call them after a date or assume the connection has broken between them. This could not be further from the truth. Women are afraid to call until they feel they know you for the simple reason you might be on a date or have a female over at your house and therefore she would be interupting you.