December 12, 2008

Back to normal-ish

Dont you love adding the suffix -ish to other words?? I also think its fairly multi-faceted: can add a drastic measure of non-commitment to a statement (I'm ready-ish; just let me get my things together), can replace "I dont mean to be rude but ..." (She's ugly-ish), and sometimes doesnt change the word at all but is just there to provide colour to the thing (Late-ish).

Well, I got back from Dallas and Houston TX. That was FUN times :D I'm planning a trip to Puerto Vallarta next July. We are basically going to camp out in some cabanas with no electricity. Thank god they'll be running water.

Okay let's talk about Stephenie Meyer's Twilight Mormonism links. I dont have the books with me or anything. So this is off memory.

-I see a major one in that Edward pesters Bella to marry him before he'll change her into a vampire. Or boink her.
-Also, Carlisle talks about how he hopes he has a soul even though he's a vampire. And Im pretty sure LDS people think that humans (even if they are cloned or whatnot) have souls. I want to say they think EVERY living thing has a soul ... but I dont know if they believe bacteria and such have souls.
-Also while Bella and Edward are talking in Book 3, Stephenie Meyer italicized eternity in relation to Edward and Bella being together. HMMMMMMMMMM
- This one is far reaching, but I kind of thought of genealogy while Jacob and Billy and Quil were talking about their tribe's history.

My personal future Twilight movie thoughts.
- I wish they would recast Jacob
- I hope they have 3 different directors for the next 3 movies. Why not? I mean, it would be really cool to see their different takes on the book series but yet still have that common theme of Bella and Edward being forever in love.
- Im expecting the special effects of people shifting into werewolves sucking. UGH. I hope they dont have the same CGI studio that did 10,000 BC doing the next movies. Wolves and things with fur look SO CRAPPY on CGI! UGHHHHH. They didnt do a good job in Twilight with Edward's sparkle.
- And I thought Robert Patterson looked cute when he looked like he was pooping when Kristen Stewart sat next to him in Biology.

So there.

PS. Im not done with book 3 so dont tell me what happens suckers.

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