October 12, 2009

Ohhh my gahhhhh you guys this was so cute!

Julia, the cat, is an outdoors cat. She just comes inside the house to eat, lay on my bed, and randomly get pissy & scratch me. When Julia and I were first acquainting ourselves to each other, she would just meow to get my attention. But over the past two months, she has learned to stand right in b/n my face and the computer. Total hooker.

Anyways. I have never seen this cat use the bathroom. But today, of all days, its completely pouring outside and I see her pawing at some dirt. And then she pops a squat. I mean, I know this shouldnt be so impressive but it just was. Here is Julia ... doing number 2 ... pouring down rain ... my headlights shining in her eyes. She knows I'm looking at her because she's staring straight back at me.

And we understand.


Becca said...


Sara said...
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Sara said...

I love that moment when you and your cat come to an understanding.

My cat, Stella, and I used to have a morning routine.

I'd wake up and open my door so she could shoot inside my room. I would then pet her and rub her face. After about ten or fifteen min., she would bite my hand and draw a little blood. This meant that she was finished.

rachel pickup said...

"And we understand."

This right here is why I love you.
