Julia, the cat, is an outdoors cat. She just comes inside the house to eat, lay on my bed, and randomly get pissy & scratch me. When Julia and I were first acquainting ourselves to each other, she would just meow to get my attention. But over the past two months, she has learned to stand right in b/n my face and the computer. Total hooker.
Anyways. I have never seen this cat use the bathroom. But today, of all days, its completely pouring outside and I see her pawing at some dirt. And then she pops a squat. I mean, I know this shouldnt be so impressive but it just was. Here is Julia ... doing number 2 ... pouring down rain ... my headlights shining in her eyes. She knows I'm looking at her because she's staring straight back at me.
And we understand.
I love that moment when you and your cat come to an understanding.
My cat, Stella, and I used to have a morning routine.
I'd wake up and open my door so she could shoot inside my room. I would then pet her and rub her face. After about ten or fifteen min., she would bite my hand and draw a little blood. This meant that she was finished.
"And we understand."
This right here is why I love you.
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