May 6, 2010

The Lovely Bones was stupid.

So I tweeted three times in a row about The Lovely Bones.  Read from bottom up.

  • nikiverse The Lovely Bones: Plus I was watching it with my parents and they woudlnt stfu about how they had that wallpaper growing up. less than 20 seconds ago

  • nikiverse The Lovely Bones: If I were dead Id avenge my death, do pottery with Patrick Swayze. Not live in some pothead, Lisa Frank wetdream.1 minute ago

  • nikiverse The Lovely Bones: If I wanted to see What Dreams May Come again, I would shoot myself but thats besides the point. Susan Sarandon was great! 4 minutes ago

Straight copy/paste.  If what I need to inform the Internet involves more than 2.5 tweets, blogging would be a better option.  So here I go.

As the tweets show, I thought Lovely Bones was a bit ridiculous.  I've heard great things about the book ... but the movie makes me wonder if Alice Sebold honestly thinks a 14 year old being murdered and hanging out with other murdered dead girls is the best way to show us the discovery of one's sexuality?  I mean, I guess its "A way".

Which brings me to Peter Jackson.  Didnt he direct Lord of the Rings?  After seeing the movies, I just dont get the BFD about that trilogy.  I mean, yeah, their own language.  Elvish.  Call me normal but I dont get it.

Back to The Lovely Bones.  from

Mark Wahlberg replaced Ryan Gosling just days before shooting began. In preparation for the role, Gosling had gained 20 pounds and grew out a beard. However, he vacated the role due to creative differences. Wahlberg, who had just completed shooting The Happening (2008), another production in Pennsylvania, became available just in time to accept Gosling's role.

I wonder what the "creative differences" were?  We all know that Mark Wahlberg used to be a white rapper so I'm sure he ALWAYS has artistic integrity in the forefront of his mind . . . thats probably covered up by a backwards facing ballcap. Oh, I think underneath that wifebeater there's still old Marky Mark underneath - who would sell his soul in a minute to revive the Funky Bunch.  Can you feel the vibration?  Feel it feel it.

Ryan Gosling's abs >> Mark Wahlberg's abs

Sidenote: I did like My Sister's Keeper.  Read the book too!  Cried during both.


Lys said...

I kind of actually liked it. In a weird fantasy sort of--Like on drugs sort of way.

Zoe said...

I read the book and had no desire until now to watch the movie. I want to see this wallpaper your parents talk of.