June 2, 2008

Stuff to buy

So I bought Teen Witch this weekend. I only have 30 bucks left in my checking account but I think it was a well thought out purchase. How much longer could I have lived a happy, healthy life without buying this gem of an 80s chick flick? HOW LONG I ASK?

BUT, I still need to buy Apples 2 Apples. And the expansion pack. So thats going to be like 45 bucks.

(Just like I bought that nice Scrabble swivel board thats still sitting in my trunk. Unopened.)

So, back to Teen Witch.
I watched it with SBZ and Im sure she just absolutely adored it.
Brad is pretty dreamy.
And I cant believe Louise Miller's teacher pulled out her birth control from her purse. He totally deserved that voodoo doll thing.
And during the Top That scene, the guy that Polly likes ... HAHA His shirt is so short you see his stomach while he's dancing! I cried. OMG It was that funny.
Break a leg, Kiki!

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