September 16, 2011

I'm conservative (fiscally conservative dont give a shiat really about a lot of the social issues ...). Kill me.  But I'd vote for a Democrat if they convince me.

I am watching the debates (on my DVR) ... the CNN/Tea Party debate.

I like:
- Herman Cain: a little over his head; I would prefer him to run for Senate. I think he could do it now.
- Newt Gingrich:  he has strong vision. I like that he will talk specifics and is so familiar with Congress and how things work
- Ron Paul: he just sounds so crazy sometimes
- Jon Huntsman: (Who was a surprise, I really didn't know who he was beforehand).

Mitt Romney looks presidential.

This is all.
Now you know.


Sara said...

Haha! I love and miss you dearly, Niki. And I agree: Mitt Romney looks presidential. :)

Love your blog, friend. :)

RCA said...