October 3, 2008

Hey. laziness. You have groceries in the car.

Do you ever feel just exasperatingly lazy?

I have groceries in the car and there's no light on outside and it's dark and I'm tired and writing this mucho important blog about my feelings and there's just all these reasons why I shouldnt be getting the groceries out of the car right now.

Did you know I could be watching The Mist or Dali in New York right now? OR that I could be getting some beauty rest before I have to wake up WAY too early on a Saturday and teach yoga? I could be watching Steve Ross's Inhale to laugh or think deeply while I watch his peeps do yoga and I lay on my bed eating Cheetos (I actually dont have Cheetos but that would be funny/ironic if they were in the car). I could be feeding Zoey since I'm dog sitting and all. Or I could be unpacking from the Italy trip. Or I could double check I have directions to get to Center Stage tomorrow.

I could be brushing my teeth or shaving my armpits. I could be updating my amazon wish list. Or looking for Julia. Where is she anyways?

Anything. Anything but unpacking that car right now.
Screw the strawberries. It'll get cold tonight. They'll be fine. My trunk wont smell like a berry field in the morning. The lettuce wont turn brown.

(If only it were that easy. Im teaching yoga so early and then right afterwards, I'll be in the Cumberland mall area from 10-noon. I doubt I'll be any more inclined to take the groceries out at the butt crack of dawn then I want to now. WHY WHY DOES LIFE CURSE ME WITH THESE UNDESIRABLE, HARSH TASKS??!!)


Heather said...

This made me laugh out loud.

Our greatest trials in life. Groceries. I can so sympathize.

michele said...

Ha HA! you are so funny. I'm totally like that too!