May 22, 2008

Braves won!

Note to self: do not drink Full Throttle and hour before you need to be asleep in bed. Even if they are free.

Okay Braves won! WOOHOO!

We made fun of Dharmesh because he has this tendency to say "F*ck you" and the F word is really high pitched and the You part is really long and normal sounding. Like "F*ck YOUUUUUUUUUUU." I can demonstrate if it doesnt make sense. I'll say "bless YOUUUUUUU" or "thank YOUUUUUUUU" instead.
Oh, and I also noticed that Dharmesh is like an adult version of that kid who always verbalizes what you did wrong. I accidentally hit my windshied washers while changing the song on the CD and I say to myself, "Oh that was embarassing" and Dharmesh goes, "What? When you turned on your windshield wipers?" YES DHARMESH THANKS FOR POINTING THAT OUT!!
He left his camera in my car. ... I think Julia needs her picture taken!! HUGS XOXOX

At the Braves game, there was a kid, as Wesley put it, "whose balls need to drop". He had a really high pitched umm, I dont even know what you would call it. Yell? Screech? Woman dying? Yowl?

And I asked this guy a quick question about his camera and then the guy just kept pointing out all the various ways his camera was awesome at 30 minute intervals throughout the game.

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