May 24, 2008

SummerTime ! # @ * !

Today I layed out by the pool for the first time of the summer season. Ash and I got sun another time but I dont think a pool was involved so that clearly doesnt count.

When we left, Ash had redness all on her shoulders. I think I got darker a little all over. But I dont think Im sunburnt or anything.

Then I went home and took Zoey for a walk. Well, Zoey walked. I rode my bike. That should tire her out. She was really bad about stopping all of a sudden and snapping her mouth at little things (think they are called bugs?). But I am a supremely awesome bundle of coordination so we were able to not die. For Zoey to be such a mid/large sized dog, she sure doesnt hustle and run. She kind of trots. I would think she really wouldnt like me walking her bc Im always yanking her leash. And we let her outside sometimes and she roams and does her own little thing. But everytime I grab the leash, she comes up to me and sits down immediately. Real happy like.

And I think I will look better than average in a bathing suit once I lose 10 lbs. Well, I look better than average already seeing how the average american woman is like 5'4" and like 170 lbs or something.

SO EXCITED FOR SUMMER! YAY. I am such a loser but I think I will get a SP to White Water. On weekends I can walk across the street and go get a tan. Cool off in the water just to get hot again when I walk back to the house.

Also watched a horrible Netflix movie last night. Hard Candy? It had that annoying girl from Juno in it (pregnant girl with the annoying voice). And she was 14 and had captured this guy she met online and tied him up and kept being really, for lack of better terms, ANNOYING. I wanted him to get free and punch her in the face.

Okay rambling! Yay!

1 comment:

Brenick said...

omgosh, she totally does have an annoying voice!! and how come you didnt tell me you had a blogspot? mine is