May 30, 2008


I was driving around in the parking lot of QT and I got all panicky because of the lack of road lines to keep all us cars going in a well-mannered, simple, clear traffic flow. All I want are LINES and LAWS.

On one side of QT, you have the crap load of gas pumps.
On the other side of QT, there's this big square of wide, open pavement where laws and common sense driving do not apply.
It was a stressful driving experience to get a Dasani. All I'm sayin.
I personally hope that flying cars never come to fruition. It's been said before ... traffic in 2-D is bad enough. I dont need to worry about my bumper, my sides, my front AND THEN my top and bottom of my car.
Flying cars would be a whole lot of suck.

Oh, and I'm also still pretty immature.
Everytime I drive past ABC Recycling, I think of gum. "Already been chewed". Then I apply it to the plastic and metal that ABC Recycling probably receives. Plastic, I can chew on. Metal, ew no. Have you ever stuck your hand in your mouth after you handled pennies? Nothx.

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